Eat & Drink

Planted: Shifting the Meat Industry Paradigm

by Natalie Halt

June 5, 2024

Imagine taking a serrated steak knife and slicing through a perfectly tender, solid cut of juicy filet mignon. Then imagine your delight to be told that this "steak" is made of zero animal products. Planted has created this exact experience and we were curious to know the why and the how (and the where!) behind their newest innovation: planted.steak.

In the current market trend of consumers who are more open to trying "alternative" food options, Planted is not alone in its endeavor to expand the market of plant-based protein. We know that eating less meat means less CO2 emissions (97% to be exact!) but did you know it also uses 81% less water? These ethically responsible details are always intriguing enough to make us want to give the meat alternatives a try, but let's be honest- often the standard rubbery or tasteless vegetarian "meat" alternatives leave a vast amount to be desired by our choosy TLG palates.

planted.steak wellington

This is where Planted enters the picture: a natural and sustainable plant-based 'meat' whose game-changing fermentation technology is opening up flavor profiles in this sector of the market. We have never tasted anything like it. The "faux" version of meat that one often finds on the shelves of many markets throughout Europe is often full of more chemicals and processes than the actual meat they purport to replicate. With Planted, this is not the case. Quite the opposite. This plant-based meat alternative is not only better for the planet, but it is also better for your body guaranteeing all-natural ingredients, zero fillers or preservatives. With such an original mouth-watering taste profile, you instantly crave (and subsequently seek out) your next plant-based Planted experience. (True story.)

Founded by 4 ETH (Swiss Technical Institute of Technology) grads, Planted is headquartered in Zurich. Pioneers in the food industry, Planted is a trailblazer in the protein-alternative sector with innovation, sustainability, and health consciousness as the mantra behind every one of its products. They are on a mission to create delicious, plant-based 'meats' that positively impact the environment and human health but do not compromise taste or texture.


Planted’s protein alternatives include a variety of plant-based 'meats' including chicken, duck, pulled pork, skewers, kebabs, bratwurst, and schnitzel. Each product is meticulously crafted from natural ingredients, primarily pea protein. Since its inception, Planted has rapidly expanded its presence in the market. The company’s products are now available in various supermarkets, restaurants, and online platforms across Switzerland and beyond.

Planted has also had many collaborations with chefs (for planted.steak alone over 50 were used in R&D) and food influencers to showcase its products' versatility and culinary potential. These partnerships have helped to demystify plant-based 'meats' and demonstrate their use in various recipes, from traditional dishes to innovative creations.


Planted is more than just a food brand; it is a movement towards a more sustainable and healthier future. By offering high-quality, plant-based meat alternatives, Planted is helping to evolve the food industry by encouraging consumers to make more ethical and health-conscious choices. As the demand for sustainable food options continues to grow, Planted’s commitment to exceptional ethos and delicious protein alternatives will keep them at the forefront of this exciting industry transformation. We can't wait to watch the revolution.

Find Planted Online

Local restaurants that feature the new planted.steak on the menu:

KJU in Vevey
Café de Prélaz in Lausanne

Coop Supermarkets

A few of our other favorite spots to find Planted in Lausanne:
Le Spot
La Luncheonette
La Jetée de la Compagnie
Lucha Libre (**Tomorrow night, June 6, from 18h is a BBQ event at Lucha Libre and you are invited to come and try the planted.steak...Tell your friends!!)
